Probation Violations

New Orleans Violation of Probation Attorney

Jeff Hufft works hard to show the prosecutor and the court that you are more than another violation of probation case to be resolved. By understanding the particular facts and circumstances of your case, judges and prosecutors often become more willing to give your case careful consideration for reinstatement so that you can have another chance to complete the terms of probation.

Early Termination of Probation

Being able to serve your punishment for a criminal act through probation is a vote of confidence by the court in your ability to rehabilitate and become a productive member of society. This is a preferable punishment to the much less attractive alternative of going to jail. Considering probation is handed down to those who the state feels can function normally in society, there is also an opportunity to apply for an early termination of an individual’s probation if they have been successfully completing the requirement of probation for a certain period of time.

This process of terminating probation is common for those whose good behavior has been shown through their ability to stay in line while outside of a prison. If you are currently on probation and would like to see if you are eligible for early termination, it is important to first speak with a criminal defense attorney who can effectively guide you through the process.

Hire an Attorney for Early Termination Of Probation

A qualified and capable attorney can help you prepare for the procedure while also putting you in the most favorable light possible, in order to give you a greater chance at receiving approval to reintegrate as a free member of society.

Attorney Jeff Hufft is well versed and experienced in working with clients who are seeking an early termination of their probation in Louisiana. This previous experience, along with a commitment to making certain your rights are protected, will ensure that you are taken care of and given every opportunity to argue your case and prove to the judge that you are ready to move on with your life.

To schedule a free consultation to speak with the legal team about the possibility of you being able to terminate your probation early, call (504)232 3080 today.

Early Termination of Probation Process in Louisiana

A person who meets certain eligibility requirements and who would like to pursue an early probation release must file a Motion to Terminate Probation Early. This motion can also be filed by the attorney on behalf of the individual currently under probation. The Motion to Terminate Probation Early includes the probation’s name, case number, division in which the offense was sentenced, and an attached Proposed Order. If the request is granted, the judge will sign the attached order.

The Motion to Terminate Probation Early is filed with the Jefferson Parish Clerk’s Office or the clerk’s office for the parish in which the offense was sentenced. A copy is sent to the state attorney’s office and the probation officer of the offender.

Probationers can forgo much of the paperwork if they decide to work with an experienced Louisiana probation attorney due to the many requirements of the often complex process. An attorney can ensure that the paperwork is accurate, filed properly, and served to the designated people. Additionally, the attorney will work towards obtaining a hearing and gaining a favorable recommendation from the probation officer.

New Probation Laws in Louisiana

In November of 2017, new laws were passed concerning probation and parole in Louisiana.  These laws enacted changes to sentences for technical violations and other sanctions. Call Attorney Jeff Hufft for questions about the new laws concerning probation and parole in Louisiana.